Archive for the ‘420 TD pass club’ Category


Sunday NFL wrap up #2: Brett Favre and Fly Eagles Fly

September 24, 2007

So yeah, a HUGE congratulations to Brett Favre on throwing his 420th touchdown pass tying Dan Marino’s TD Pass record. Favre is such a class act, and such a staple of the NFL at this point, it is hard to imagine the game without him. Has anyone ever been a surer future Hall of Fame member? Well besides Joe Montana and Dan Marino and… well, OK but in TODAY’S NFL, which at times resembles more of a league of extraordinary thugs than professional athletes and role models, Favre’s whole MOJO just stands out as exemplary. Way to go Brett!!!

Now, onto the Eagles.

Isn’t it just like the f-ing Eagles to win and win BIG on the week I finally decide they are dead to me? I mean not that I am so narcissistic that I feel I am the sole reason for the in your face style win. But you know the minds and superstitions of a Sports fan. If I were from Philly, or still dating the Philly fan, or had money on the game, one might think I’d posted my anti-Eagles diatribe in order to cause the exact opposite result. Hmmmm. Interesting, no?

And yeah, ALSO I could make a certain assertion on my theory on Ugly Uniforms. Remember my post (linked to right back there a few words ago) on what the Oregon Ducks needed to do to win at Michigan. (After the App State loss but before we all realized how truly rotten the Wolverines are this year?) The Ducks have some U-G-L-Y you ain’t got no alibi yellow Nike unis.

And apparently so do the Birds. The jerseys the Eagles donned on Sunday were throwbacks to 1933 which the team unveiled to celebrate the upcoming 75th year of the franchise. Well, like the Ducks of Oregon, the Eagles jerseys were a blinding yellow assault on the retinas.

So perhaps the formerly unbeaten Lions (I know, that statement is hard to fathom, but ’tis true!) simply could not look directly at the jerseys, less they be turned immediately to stone. Yes, my football fiends, ugly uniforms can be likened to Medusa in their power to distract their opponents.

And with that, I must get a bit of sleep. My new state of unemploy–er, I mean SELF employment had me writing almost all night long, much of it Here, and only a scant few hours of shut eye were had. So while you all work, Your Gridiron Goddess will be taking her morning nap. But look at all I’ve left you to read this morning! I do it all for you of fans of my site and fellow football fanatics. (So when I put ads on the site, please click on them so I can pay my rent, OK? ha ha ha ha But I am not kidding.)

-Your Gridiron Goddess, now tentatively accepting the Eagles back, like a bad boyfriend who sent a big batch of flowers to atone for his behavior. Sigh. 😉